And white bows plus white x pink ribbon ring ^0^ 

Add some pinks, also for shoes 

It's not so Lolita, I know... It's hard to find such Lolita clothes here, have not enough money to purchase Baby or AP, and to make it will need more time... T-T
But I add some Lolita fashion elements, like lace, bows, and ribbon... with a pair of cute pink shoes! ^0^
I wish it's cute enough to be called as cute fashion... >,,<
I wish it's cute enough to be called as cute fashion... >,,<
But there's many way to be Lolita isn't it? ^^

Ahh cute bangeeeeeet~ XD
ReplyDeletenice coordinates, Ichigo-chan ^^b
dan lucu banget sepatunyaaaa~~ XD aku susah nyari yg lucu2 gitu di tempatku, sekali-nya ada ukurannya kecil T.T (nasib berkaki gajah hahaha)
dan bener banget...aku juga gak selalu full lolita banget gitu...biasanya hanya mengandalkan bentuk rok yg ngembang :p
Makasiiih, ecHie-chan... *^-^*
ReplyDeleteini akan menjadi pujian sekaligus kenangan berharga, juga buat my dear white bows ^0^
Sepatunya aku temuin accidenly di Matahari Semarang, pas lagi shopping sama ibu~ XD
tp itu juga the only lolita-like shoes yang aku temui sejauh ini, uhu... T-T
kakiku juga gak kecil2 amat, ehehe... :P
Let's celebrate our way of Lolita ^^
hehe sama2 ^^b
ReplyDeleteiya susahnyaaaa mencari sepatu flats yg lucu2 gitu..paling yg pernah aku temui di Yongki Komaladi..flats biasa..tp lumayan suka ada hiasan pita gitu X)