Halo, semuanya! (^-^)
It's blogging time, lol xDD
This time I'd like to share you this cuteness. Cute make up is important for Lolita-chan to achieve doll like-look. An expert Lolita make up artist, Namiki Akio-san, is the right person to tell us how!
I'm sure that you've watched Misako Aoki make up for collaboration between Gothic & Lolita Bible and Baby, The Stars Shine Bright. (^-^)

Namiki Akio, the make up artist, has released his own book. It's Doll Make Lesson. I downloaded a scan and I really thank to someone who kindly upload it! (^0^) 

There are 10 make up characters and 4 hairstyles in this book. All is very cute! You can try them out depends on your style, mood, or anything you feel, because you can find some that suitable for Sweet, Classic, Gothic, even Ouji and more Casual Lolita look. I'll post my favourite pages, includes the final make up and hairdo looks! 

basic make up, which is cute for both girl and guy
You'll find out how to be look like Alice in Wonderland!
perfect for summer, I think ^^
It's gothically cute! x3
An ouji-look
Can't resist the cute colors!
cute yet mature look for Classic Lolita

One of my favourites! It's very cute
These are for hairstyle! 

Midori-chan, Selena, and Amo-chan are models in this book. This book also includes some of Namiki Akio's favourite works, tips on skin care, and many more. 

some of Namiki Akio's favourite works
Namiki Akio also made up Misako Aoki on Gothic & Lolita Ensemble
I wish I could purchase the real book, since it's very cute and useful. (>_<)
From some pictures above, we can find that the tutorial is relatively easy to do even if we can't read Japanese!
From some pictures above, we can find that the tutorial is relatively easy to do even if we can't read Japanese!

Hopefully this post is useful for you. 

Have a nice day, everyone! (*^_^*)

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Thanks for being nice and lovely (*^-^*)