Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Transparent Key ☆

Exams are almost finished!
Fight 'till the end! Yay! ^0^

Tomorrow schedule will be Psikologi Dalam (Deep Psychology? Have no idea about the English term >_<)

my friend designed such a cute cover!ドキドキ

After awaken all night long to make a resume, tonight will be a little bit relax...
Studying from a cute book will give a different mood, lol (^0^)

But actually, I want to share you Kanon-sama's song that I listen to recently... ドキドキ


The title is "Toumei no Kagi" or The Transparent Key...
It's a sugoii song! With a gothic sphere, the cello sounds heroic, the beat is great, and her voice is heaving well.
The translation of the lyrics is great too... ^0^

It's a good song if you need a spirit. ^-^ ラブラブ
I think it's natural because Toumei no Kagi becomes a soundtrack of a game online... That's why the athmosphere if this song is very suitable. ^^

It's a song that you can find in her newest album, Lolitawork Libretto!
I actually find this song about a week ago, and then I add it to my Kanon playlist. ^-^ ラブラブ

As you know, Kanon-sama is a multitalented cello-vocalist. She writes her lyrics herself and all of her songs are pure and have a storytelling quality.

Sounds so familiar with her Lolita-related music?
Of course because Lord of Lolita, Mana-sama (ex. Malice Mizer, Moi dix Mois), is behind her production! ^-^ドキドキ

Since the first time I listen to the music, Kanon Wakeshima has become my favourite! ラブラブ
Her musics, her cello, her voice ranges from cute tone untill the mysterious whisper...

So, why don't you try to listen to it, too? ^0^


  1. wogh masih ujian kah ?? >.<
    semoga sukses~ semangat yaa~ ^o^9

    ahh Kanon-chan..aku suka lagu2nya semenjak jadi soundtrack anime Vampire Knight~ XD
    bajunya juga lucu2~ X3

  2. Amiiin, masih ni... uhuhu... ;_;
    Makasih ecHie-chan! (*^-^*)

    Ahh iyaa, yang Still Doll sama Suna no Oshiro!~^0^~

    Lolita fashion ala Kanon-chan is so unique ~ :3 ~


Thanks for being nice and lovely (*^-^*)