Well, have you watched this movie?? ^0^

This is a movie about Misako Aoki interview and make up!
Of course it's nice to know part of Misako-chan's lifestyle as a Lolita model and nurse! ^-^
Of course it's nice to know part of Misako-chan's lifestyle as a Lolita model and nurse! ^-^

There's also Misako-chan's make up tutorial by Lolita make up artist, Namiki Akio-san, and it's a make up look that's done for Gothic & Lolita Bible photoshoot! ^0^
The movie itself is a part of collaboration project between Baby, The Stars Shine Bright and Gothic & Lolita Bible. ^_^
The movie itself is a part of collaboration project between Baby, The Stars Shine Bright and Gothic & Lolita Bible. ^_^

Actually it was not the first time I tried out this look... >_<
But this time I want to take a photo, lol x3 

I didn't wear falsies and eyeliner >_<
Since when I apllied the falsies on my lashes, it seemed that I had choosen a wrong type lashes or did a wrong technique... Because my lashes then looked like spider's legs... >o<"a
MAC 'Cyss' lipstick in the movie can be changed with using foundation on your lips (I don't have the Cyss! T-T), but don't forget to apply lip balm before, so it will stay moisturized when you put foundation on. You can also only using a pale pink lipstick that suitable with the final look, and apply a lipgloss on it. ^^
But since this time I'd like to go with more natural cute look, I didn't wear foundation and pale pink lipstick this time. I wore 2 different shades of pink lipglosses. ^^
Product I used: ^-^

Add your favourite cute pink accessories near your face! ^0^
Mine are Ribbon Groupie Candy Heart Barrette in pink, pink ribbon with lace, and those pink rings. :3 (if you noticed, one of them is a watch shaped in Hello Kitty's head! So cute,, x3 )
Since the make up look is very suitable with most Lolita outfit, I want to keep learning and practice it more, so I can be more expert. >_<
Have nice day, everyone! ^_^ 

make up-nya lucuuuuu~ XD
ReplyDeleteahh aku uda nonton video-nya Misako & Midori terlihat sangat kawaii~ ^^
dan Akira selalu terlihat keren yah hohoho so cool~
Makasih udah comment,, xD
ReplyDeleteMisako dan Midori selalu terlihat kawaii seperti boneka ^^
Btw, Akira juga merupakan vokalis dari sebuah band, lho ^-^d
Kalau tidak salah, namanya Dissacode x3
Aku baru dengar salah satu lagunya, tapi menurutku suaranya sangat powerfull! xD