Let's say, there's a time when you feel lonely. All alone, all is boring. There's no one to talk to. Someone you expect to come cannot see you. (>_<)
I'm now in kinda situation like that. (>_<)
Sometimes silence is like a gold, a sphere that you can build your own world... You don't need noise, and you live in your own cute fantasy.

Misako Aoki's photoshoot for Maison de Julietta.
But when it comes to loneliness, it's killing the mood. (>_<)
Yeah, really lonely. Alone in your 2nd floor boarding house that there's no one but you and there's no sounds but yours, your stuffs, and vehicles' outside. That's something I'm feeling nowadays! (T_T)
So finally, what should I do? :3
I decided to stay living in my own world of fairytale. (^_^)

But how? (>_<)
Here's something I did recently:

- Changing my cover picture in Facebook from something cute becomes another thing that I think represent my fantasy of my boarding room.
Baby's print in Gerda and Kay from the famous tale, "The Snow Queen."
Why did I choose this picture? Because it's window, and my room window facing out with canopied corridor. You can see lights and passing vehicles from here. (^_^)
Well, I don't think about the beautiful Snow Queen will kidnapped someone. (>_<)
But the picture is softly romantic, with cute and pure little children reading book together, a cat joins too. Surrounded by flowers and curtain, the window is representative enough about my imagination and the contrast of situation here, something I called "loneliness" above.
- Playing cute mp3 playlist! It can be your favourite Lolita songs or musics, or another cute ones that allow you to live your fairytale days and nights. You can sing, you can dance, or whatever makes you cheer up and to enlive the atmosphere.
- Look for something cute--it can be beautiful picture or dolly Lolita photograph--a visual stimulation to make your view looks like dreamy pastel colors. (^0^)
beautiful pink peony from I Heart Much Shabby Chic
- Imagine that I'm now living in a high tower, alone, but happy! Just think about happy version of Rapunzel or Thumbelina in her blossom cottage.
- If you need more voices, just turn on your television. A lolita can laugh. Simple. (^-^)
- If there's nothing you have to do again (like doing tasks or something), then it's Sleeping Beauty time! (^0^)
Hope it helps. (^-^)
Have a nice day, everyone!
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Thanks for being nice and lovely (*^-^*)