Long time no see.

I'm sorry for a long time post since January, because I have to do my real college work (we call it "KKN", it means "Kuliah Kerja Nyata" in Bahasa Indonesia ^-^ ). It takes 35 days and I was not able to connect internet there (>_<). It was full of amazing story, but I'll share you later! (^0^)

Okay, then. :3

I've just moved to my new boarding, and I've just decided to make it more cute than before! x3
I attached some of my Lolita accessories in my gordyn. 

It's actually inspired by Misako-chan's room. To make everything is able to see and it will be easier to match your coordination. (^_^)
It works as cute decoration too. 

To get more inspirations, please check here. 

Kitty-chan (^-^) 

another pink spot x3 

So that's about some of my pink spots. 

Let's live day to day with cuteness, love, and spirit! \(^0^)/ 

Hope it helps. (^-^) 

Have nice day, everyone! 

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Thanks for being nice and lovely (*^-^*)