I'm getting my final exam here! (>.<)
It has been three days of exams passed away, and there're still about six days more!

Even I have to do my final tasks in weekend, but I'll do my best!

Yay! \(^0^)/

Today I visit Misako-chan's blog, the "Q & A" session is started again! A fan of Misako-chan asked about (I guess >.<) any tips about a good way of relaxation while studying, since studying is sometimes annoying or even disgusting (´・ω・`).
Here is Misako-chan's answer for the question:

Studying with a cup of milk tea, or try to stretch every once in a while, so that learning to relax and take a deep breath
Up motivated and aligned with favorite My Melody stationery! ! !
I think it's so helpful. (^_^) 
I thank to Keight for the question and to Misako-chan for the answer. 

It's good to keep being relax, being motivated and aligned (with cute things ^-^) at once while we're doing our final exams and final tasks with dateline! (*^-^*) 

So, happy studying! Hopefully it helps you too. (^0^) 

By the way, you can find more Q & A here. 

Have nice day, everyone