It's still Syawal, isn't it?

So I wish you a Happy Eid Mubarak 1433 H for you everyone who worship it! (^0^)

Honestly from the deepest of my heart, I beg your apologize if there's some mistakes I've done to you... (^-^)

My outfit on Idul Fitri day: 

after Idul Fitri prayer 

Alhamdulillah I got three pieces of Lolita clothes this year, so happy! (^0^) 

The first one is a pair of blouse and skirt, I wore below:

I call it "Batik Lolita". 

(borrowing my bestfriend's term, lol xDD )
The bottom side of the skirt is unseen. (>_<)
It has lace and ribbons on the bottom. (^-^) 
my parents, my little brothers, and me (^0^) 

with my mum 

very big family, isn't it? (^0^) 

girls only :3 

It was full of beautiful memories!
I really thanks to Allah so I can meet my big family this year in a beautiful moment, and I pray that we can meet next years Ramadhan and Idul Fitri, amen. (^_^)
(you, too!)
Have a nice day, everyone! (^0^)

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Thanks for being nice and lovely (*^-^*)