Ini lanjutan dari posting yang kemarin :D
We went to Pasar Senggol to have a culinary tour, lol...

me and my friend, Hasny 

Kami bukan cuma berdua, tapi bertiga :D (Gilang belum sempat kefoto T_T tapi sepertinya dia akan segera memposting wisata kuliner kali ini di blognya xD ).
I miss the taste so much--so yummy! ^0^ 

Sauto with "tauco" spicy taste is something you can only find here in Tegal! ^_^
That's why we really miss it. 

Rasa tehnya juga orisinal dan 'benar-benar teh',ahahaha... xD 

Please try them out if you visit Tegal. 


Have nice day, everyone! ^-^

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Thanks for being nice and lovely (*^-^*)