It has been a long while since my blogging days! I hope you guys are safe and stay healthy. (^_^)
As today is still the atmosphere of Eid, I'd like to wish you an Eid Mubarak 1441 Hijriah for all my Muslim readers! Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum, may Allah receive our ibadah. O:)
Well, this time I wanna share with you guys my thoughts of a Korean Muslimah influencer, Ayana Jihye Moon. Of course, you know her! She is so popular and has a positive image and influence towards people, especially for the young and millennial generations, and specifically for young Muslimah ones. She is beautiful, humble, smart, a hard worker, and loves to learn (or study!). In Indonesia, Ayana Moon is a brand ambassador for some of the well-known brands, such as Pocari Sweat and Wardah Cosmetics. I love makeup and I have some cosmetics and makeup brands that I love, but I must admit that Ayana Moon makes me become a fan of Wardah Beauty! And when I've started to use their makeup, I just found out that their products are really good as well. (^ - ^)
Okay, so! In the spirit of Eid for our better self, I wanna share with you some inspirations from Ayana Moon. Please stay tuned! (^ ^)
1. Ayana Moon's Skincare & Makeup Routine
Ayana loves natural makeup! I resume this part based on her Live IG Story in Wardah Beauty Official Instagram on May 10th, 2020. I'm not sure if anyone recorded the Live and uploaded it somewhere, but, well... actually I did record some parts because I found that Ayana's favorite shade of lip matte is the same as mine! (>_<) And then, I gotta feeling of, "Wow, we wear the same favorite shade of lip matte!". So, I decided to record it for my own property to keep the moment alive, lol. Sharing the recordings may cause some problems, such as copyright issues. So, I think it's better if I share the resume of her skincare and makeup routine without the videos, just on blog writing with some pictures. I didn't record the whole Live, just a few parts of it, so I'll write down what I have. I hope it's okay and still help you! (^ _ ^)

Code number 3 ❤
- Her Skincare
- Wardah Acne Series
- Wardah Perfect Bright Moisturizer SPF 28
- Wardah Perfect Bright cleansing foam
- Wardah EyeXpert Makeup Remover
- Wardah Brightening Micellar Water
- Her Makeup
- Wardah Instaperfect BB Cushion (I'm not sure about the shade, but I guess the lightest one)
- Wardah Instaperfect City Chic Blusher (pink)
- Wardah Colorfit Velvet Matte Lip Mousse code 03 (Rose Ballerina)
- Wardah Eyeliner (the pencil type)
- Wardah EyeXpert Mascara
- Wardah Eyebrow (brown shade)
- Wardah Eyeshadow
- Ayana's Favorite Lip Make-Up
- Ayana doesn't like ombre lips make up. She only puts her favorite lip mousse, Wardah Colorfit Velvet Matte Lip Mousse 03.
a capture from her Instagram story ♡
- Ayana Tips on How Not To Get Darker Lips
- Apply sunscreen on the lips! Ayana has naturally pink lips, but she gave advice to a viewer that might help. Sunscreen will block the damaging UV rays that cause your skin (and lips) to become tan. Ayana also applied sunscreen on her hands.
- Ayana's Trick to Have A Glowing Skin (*^ - ^*)
- She said that her glowing skin is because of the makeup, lol. xD Well, the cushion she wears from Wardah Instaperfect has a dewy and glowy finish, so I guess that's what she meant. (^ ^)
2. Journey To Islam
I know, I know. A lot of people are inspired by her journey to Islam, that she can keep going with her faith although it as really difficult for the first time. Personally, a life of mualaf never stopped being amazement for me. I always admire their journey on how they found Islam, even their struggle on holding on to their faith because for some people it becomes their most difficult time. Having a different religion with their family or being a minority in the society that offers minimum supports is not the easiest thing in the world. Learning about their journey and process, also learning about how Allah gives guidance on them, these things always amaze me. :)
a part of my portfolio about Ayana Moon :3
And that's what Ayana faced too. Reading her story is breathtaking, for she had to work extra hard so she can take her study in Malaysia. 2 years of hardworking, and it was so exhausting. Her parents, at the time, take stopped all the financial support for her because of her conversion to Islam. That's why Ayana had to fight alone.
After 2 exhausting years, Ayana had her landing in Malaysia. But, things seemed not going well. Financial needs were so overwhelming, and I try to imagine if I were in her shoes: 2 years of hardworking and after just a few months, my saving was spent out almost half of it because of the unexpected urges! And I live alone, far far away from my country.
After a year, she had to give up. Her mom saw her in Malaysia feeling so sad about her daughter's condition. But, my favorite part is when she put the verse of Al Quran surah 3 Al Imran: 139, that said,
"So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers."
Before going back to South Korea, Ayana then spent some time in Indonesia to take a holiday. That's when she had introduced to Wardah company. They share a similar vision, and that's why Ayana become the part of Wardah family as a brand ambassador.
Another beautiful part about this book is, Ayana found the meaning of love, family, and way of life in Islam. Islam doesn't only give her new family, but also unite her with her family. Ayana became closer with her younger brother, Seongwook, as she never had a close sibling relationship with him before. Seongwook later interested in Islam, became a mualaf too and he was given a new name, Aydin. Her parents are now more open to Ayana's faith and they get closer as a family.
I didn't resume all the book content was about because I think it's better if you buy a copy, read the complete story, and support Ayana. (^ _ ^) I learn that Allah gives hidayah in many ways, hidayah can even come form our interests. Reading it myself make me appreciate my Islamic faith more, also appreciate my relationship I have with my siblings, family, and my friends even more. And another thing I learn about Ayana's journey is that no matter how difficult your situation you're in, no matter what, Allah will help you. Allah gets your back, always! For you who's in the struggle, don't give up, keep going, and praying. There will be times when you smile and feeling grateful because you're now in a better situation than before.
3. Other Things that Inspire Me!
Ayana Moon loves to learn a lot. As a student (yes, I'm a magister student indeed lol), studying is an important thing. From her Instagram, we can find out that Ayana is taking Arabic and Mandarin classes. Arabic is difficult, on one of her posts she said that sometimes it made her cry! But, she keeps on fighting anyway, and her skill is getting better as well. As a Muslimah, learning Arabic is really helpful to read and understand Qur'an (and hadits), especially if you want to understand it more deeply than just reading a translation. Also, from her book, you can tell that Ayana is a smart and hard-working girl.
Personally, I am always impressed by people who could take more than one thing in their life. It's like, you want to keep the balance and have a proportional portion on your rules. For example, having a good balance on working, studying, and doing ibadah, and you can still achieve your goals. That's why Ayana really inspires me. :) (and for you who have followed my blog for quite a long time, I'm sure you know that I also admire Misako Aoki, not only for her style and cuteness but also for her roles as a model and a nurse ^^).
My father once said, as a Moslem, if we put Allah first, Allah will help us with guidance and ease for what we're doing.
Alright! I think that's all I can share with you today. (^ - ^) I hope this help. Feel free to comment if you think there's something I should add. :D
Thank you and stay safe! (*^ ^*)