Hello, everyone!
How's life? ( ^ - ^ )

Today I'll share my review on Etude House Pink Cherry Blossom series.

The spring blossom almost comes to the sunny summer, but everyday has a pink spirit of spring for me, lol. xD
So I think it's not too late for a review.

I purchased these lovelies from Pasar Korea, and as you can see below they're very generous in giving samples! ( ^ o ^ )
And this one feels so special, lol. xD (ps: they're so friendly ^ ^ )

So let's move to the review.

The first one is Etude House Pink Cherry Blossom Play 101 Pencil. This is a limited edition of Play 101 Pencil (only 500 sets) for the Pink Cherry Blossom Kit, one of Etude House collections for spring. The packaging box is so cute and lovely, with gradation between pink and blue and some flower decorations.

the back side, with ingredients and the box appearance when we open it

They're so cute!

There're 5 gel type-pencils with different colors and textures to play. ( ^ - ^ )
And here is the color with the texture:

No. 4, glittery type.

It's very cute when you apply it under your eyes ( ^ - ^ )
No. 62, shimering type.

It has a cute pink color with a bit gold undertone, you can use it as eyebase or eyeshadow. But I think if you blend it too much, the color will dissappear ^^"
No. 41, glittery type.

This brown color looks subtle on my eyelids, but I think it's good if you're looking for a soft look eyeshadow. Don't blend it too much because the color will be disappeared ^^"
No. 49, creamy type.

This true brown is not too dark and texture is so creamy, and it's very pigmented! You can use it as eyeliner ^^
Pink Bon Bon or Pink Bong Bong, glossy type.

The pink color is bright and cute, but you can make it soft since it's a pigmented yet buildable type. You can use it on your cheeks and lips.

They have a sweet scent of cherry blossom too.

The Pink Bon Bon is my favourite. ( ^ - ^ )
It stays well for good hours in me, even after eating. The other 4 are long lasting too, I think, but on my eyelids I guess it would be even better if I put some eyeshadow base before applying. People get different skin type, though! ( ^ ^ )
Sorry for the phone shadow ( > < ) lol
And the next one is Pink Cherry Blossom All-Over Spray.

200 ml, yay ( ^ o ^ )
It's so sweet fragranced yet gentle, so it's not overpowering. ( ^ ^ )
I really love it that you can spray it not only on your body or clothes, but also on your hair. That's why it's called all-over spray.

It can boost your day with warm and romantic fragrance. ( ^ - ^ )
Well, I think that's my review of Etude House Pink Cherry Blossom Play 101 Pencil and All-Over Spray.

I recommend them if you opt for sweet colors for makeup and gently sweet fragrance.

I'm really happy tho have these lovely cuties. Have you tried them too? ( ^ ^ )

You can share your opinion below.

By the way, thanks for stopping by and reading, hope this review helps. ( ^ - ^ )
Have nice day, everyone!