Saturday 14 September 2024

Happy Long Weekend ❣

Hello, everyone!

It's a long weekend here. ♡ I hope you're having a good time with your family.

This week was so busy, but I'm glad everything was going well, alhamdulillah! Now, this long weekend, I think it's good to recharge myself with some cute things. 

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday... I think it will be very productive even though I'll do some recharge! Well, I still have some work to do, but I think we can do it in a more balanced way this weekend.* ^ ^ *

By the way, these are my makeup essentials for this long weekend ❣ I wear them quite a lot nowadays. Pinks, my favorite color! Some of them are in rabbit tongue-pink color. It is very popular lately, and very cute. 

They are from Amuse, Barenbliss, and m♡petit. I hope I can make time to do some review 

I love pink makeups, especially lippies and blushes. They can lift my mood instantly. 
Let's love ourself more. 

OK then, I'll go back to my other activities now. ~` 3`~

Take care and stay healthy!

Have a wonderful day. 

Sunday 8 September 2024

Hi, It Has Been A While! A Self-Reflection ♡

Hello, everyone!

It has been a while. I'm busy with my life and achieving my goals, Alhamdulillah all is amazing by His grace. 

My passion for cute things is still the same, but I think sometimes I need to reconnect with myself and my personal passion that makes me happy while still pursuing my goals. 

When we connect to ourselves, we can connect more to our dreams and goals.

I think when we are willing to take the time to stay connected to ourselves, our dreams, the magical things within us, and even stay connected to our childhood side and the simple things that make us happy, becoming a "responsible adult" can still be fun. 

Sometimes, daily life can feel so hectic and we don't wanna do anything after work, just go to bed and sleep. ( > . < ) I'm so grateful when I still have some energy to do something that makes me happy. I think it's also a "work-life balance" for me. ( ^ - ^ )

Suddenly this simple thing popped into my mind and I decided to write it on this blog.  I even visited my older notes and did some self-reflection. ( ^ ^ )

Well, until next time!

Have a nice day. 

Sunday 24 January 2021

Ketika Mengganti Mood Sesederhana Mengganti Warna Lipstick | Mini Review Wardah Colorfit Velvet Matte Lip Mousse 03


Apa kabar semuanya? Aku berharap kalian semua juga sehat dan stay safe, ya! ❤

Di hari yang mendung ini, aku terdorong untuk membuat tulisan tentang salah satu terapi ringan yang sering banget aku lakukan untuk memperbaiki mood. Namanya, Terapi Touch Up. ๐Ÿ˜†

No, mungkin agak kurang tepat. Terapi Makeup.

Ehm, kayaknya masih kurang spesifik. Oke, Terapi Lipstick. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Aku bukan penemu hal ini, kok, mungkin banyak juga yang sudah pernah atau bahkan sering melakukan hal ini. Aku suka makeup, terutama lip makeup (setelah itu cheek makeup, hehehe). Walaupun koleksiku didominasi warna pink, tapi nggak ada warna pink yang sama, sehingga bisa dipilih sesuai tone baju dan mood.

Yes, sesuai dengan mood.

Nah, kali ini yang mau aku review di sini adalah Wardah Colorfit Velvet Matte Lip Mousse. Aku punya beberapa shade, tapi favoritku adalah shade 03 'Rose Ballerina'. Begitu swatches-nya muncul di IG Lippielust, aku langsung tahu shade yang bakal jadi favoritku. ๐Ÿ˜ 

Foto ini diambil di bulan Januari 2020, sebelum pandemi. Di tengah perjalanan naik kereta api ke kota tempatku bekerja saat itu, aku sengaja touch up pakai Lip Mousse ini. Waktu itu bukan semata pingin dandan, tapi karena memang aku sedang butuh mood-booster. And trust me, touch up using your favorite lippie is very relieving. ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Setelah sampai stasiun

Nah, kalau di bawah ini adalah foto pada suatu hari Sabtu di perusahaan tempatku sebelumnya bekerja. Casual vibes, lol. Di bulan-bulan itu, aku sedang membutuhkan banyak energi positif. Pokoknya butuh lebih banyak dari biasanya, wkwkwk.

Dan aku juga apply shade 03 ini.

Warnanya cantik banget. Pink pastel dengan sedikit hint peach, membuat wajah cerah seketika. Bisa dibilang Wardah Velvet Matte Lip Mousse 03 ini adalah lipmatte pertama yang warnanya aku banget. ❤ (mengingat matte lips sudah booming di Indonesia dari kapan tahun wkwkwk)

Formulanya juga nyaman dan lembut, teksturnya mirip 3CE Velvet Lip Tint. Hasil akhirnya velvet, cocok bagi yang suka blurred effect/gradation lips.

Bicara staying power, lip mousse ini relatif tahan lama dan lumayan transferproof, apalagi kalau sudah nge-set. Kalau dipakai untuk makan berat, lip mousse ini akan luntur, tapi cara mqkan dan jenis makanan juga berpengaruh, ya! Dan lunturnya beda ketika lip mousse ini dipakai makan ketika belum nge-set, baru nge-set, dan setelah nge-set lama. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dan setelah itu, bisa touch up kembali jika dibutuhkan. ๐Ÿ’“ Walaupun lip mousse ini tidak terlalu smudgeproof, tapi cukup bisa diandalkan untuk menemani aktivitas di era New Normal. ๐Ÿ˜ท

Dan ini foto terbaru, baru beberapa hari yang lalu, Januari 2021. After work, sepulang dari instansi tempatku bekerja sekarang. Lagi-lagi, aku pakai shade ini untuk jadi support system-ku dalam bekerja, supaya bisa melakukan yang terbaik. ❤

Dan btw, shade 03 Rose Ballerina ini juga salah satu shade favorit Ayana Moon.❤

Nah, poin lain yang mau aku bilang adalah... kadang menerapkan self love dan self compassion bisa sesederhana ini. Cukup pakai warna yang kamu sukai, dan kamu siap menatap dunia. Cukup pakai aitem favoritmu; makeup favorit, baju favorit, aksesoris favorit, atau bahkan mainkan lagu atau musik favoritmu. An instant mood-lifting. ๐Ÿ’“

At least, it works for me. It may work for you too! Lagi galau, lagi butuh semangat, motivasi, atau pingin ganti mood ๐Ÿ˜‚ aku kemudian pakai warna lip makeup yang sedang ingin aku pakai, warna pink mewakili mood-ku saat itu, atau warna pink yang mewakili mood yang aku inginkan. It's relieving. ❤

Itu sharing-ku, sih, sambil review, wkwkwk.

Kalian gitu juga, nggak? Ada yang pernah melakukan hal yang sama? ๐Ÿ˜†

Kalau belum, dicoba ya. Siapa tahu membantu.❤

Refreshing-nya jadi nggak harus keluar rumah, hohoho.

Thanks sudah baca.❤
And have a nice day.❤❤

Saturday 7 November 2020

How To Enjoy A Rainy Day (*^ ^*)

Hello, everyone!

I was scrolling down on my entry list and just found out that I had a draft from November 2017. ๐Ÿ˜… So, I got some editing a bit and added a blog graphic (this is my first time doing it in Ichigo Diary, I'm exploring Canva! ๐Ÿ˜Š), and post it. ♡

Before I get into my strict business again (and it means that I'm in my spare time now), I'll try to make more entries to keep this blog alive. ๐Ÿ˜‚

By the way, I'll be talking about the rainy season. ☂

In the rainy days, it can be a struggle to keep us being productive in our activities. Some of you may have no idea what to do because your agenda for going somewhere outside with your friends or family is canceled because of the rainfall. When you felt so enthusiastic about the event, it's not the best feeling ever to get it canceled. (._.)

So, I think it's better to enjoy the moment. (^_^)

But what can we do to enjoy the moment, especially when you're home alone in your house or your room? It may get boring.

For me, enjoying the moment means to be here and now, enjoy the moment, and enjoy the ride! Even when things seem to go wrong or don't match your expectation, let's try to embrace what still we have. Make it the most of it and being appreciative. :)

Because we're talking about enjoying the rainy day, let me share you some ideas. :3

1. Get some warm or hot food with sauce
The "sauce" refers to "Kuah" in Bahasa. ๐Ÿ˜‹
Well, I know that it's back on your taste, some of you like food with sauce and some don't. I personally prefer the foods with sauce when it comes to what to eat on a rainy day. xD
You can have soups that warm your body and your heart, just like love. If it's not possible for you to cook it or get it ready by yourself, you can order them.

2. A Cup of Hot Chocolate Will Be Lovely
Or a cup of good coffee.
Or a cup of tea.
All is good, as long as it's hot. Why? Because you will eat some hot foods, so you want to have some hot drinks too. Pairing the hot foods with the cold drinks is not good, especially for your teeth. Remember how a glass can break when we pour something hot after something cold or reverse? Nah.

But after all, can you imagine your hands grabbing a cup of hot chocolate (or tea, or coffee, whatever you prefer), while you're staring at the window, looking at the rain falls? It cannot feel less than good, right? :)

And those drinks smell so good and relaxing tho.

3. Movie Marathon
Got some DVD? Or an internet connection? Play some movies and enjoy your time! Rewatch your favorite ones can't be boring, as long as they're your favorites. Or go checking if you have some playlist unwatched.

With the internet connection, you can go streaming and watch them online. Or you can visit Youtube, where you can find anything to watch and listen to, from music, movies, dramas, to makeup tutorials.

Oh, and some snacks will be good as your companion.

4. Take A Nap
Feeling happy because finally, you've got a free-time and relaxing day? Or, do you simply feel like want to do nothing but a reward to yourself for all those hard-working time? Just simply turn off the light, take your blanket on, and enjoy your quality nap-time. The symphony of the rainy day outside, the comfort air, and the relaxing smell of wet soils feel amazing.

5. Put On Your Single Item of Favourite Makeup And/Or Skincare
What? Put on a single favorite makeup? Yes! (^_^) But for makeup, you may want something with toned-down colors. For me, it can be my favorite peach-pink nude colors or a delicious lip balm. Also a delicate hand cream and a relaxing perfume or fragranced mist. Or you can simply wear and put any color or any skincare that makes you feel good to enjoy your time. After that, you can do point 1-3 and your rainy day is perfect. (^_^) And after all, when the rain stops, it's possible that the canceled planning because of the rain will go on again. So, it's better to prepare your best. :D

6. Have A Good Time with Your Pet :D
I have an orange cat that now become our family. His name is Charles, and he is so cute, adorable, funny, affectionate, lovable, everything! We're really happy to have him, alhamdulillah. :D When the rain is pouring, I talk to him. I even sing for him, lol. Well, not only on the rainy days, actually. XD It's a fun thing to release the stress, plus your pet is happy too. ♡

7. Have Some Good Books
A good book really can worth the time, trust me. Turn on your music playlist (oh, the sound of rain can be a relaxing backsound too), having a nice cup of coffee or choco, with your cat or dog is sleeping around, and you're ready to get on your adventure.

The list goes on and on, because there are a lot of fun things to do to enjoy the rainy season. So, if you have some ideas, feel free to put them into the comment box! I'll add more too when I get some insights. ♡

Have a good day, everyone.

3CE Velvet Lip Tint Mini Review! Drizzle Love & Enjoy Love ❤


So, finally today I post about another 3CE lip tint. It's 3CE Velvet Lip Tint. ♡ This range has the widest color palette, so you can find at least one color that suits your complexion, mood, or personality. I got them in Drizzle Love and Enjoy Love. ♡

Such a cute description ♡
See the original pictures here

Drizzle Love is an adorable daily pink that really caught my attention. On the 3CE official website, the color looks like a neutral MLBB pink, but the real swatch on me is different (I have to say!). Drizzle Love came as soft mauve pink with a hint of cool undertone. The color looks mature yet cute at the same time!

Update: The color looks different when I apply some bb/foundie cushion as a base on my lips. It looks more like MLBB pink that appears on the website. ❤

This is my swatch without applying a base on my lips. I'll update you the "using lip base" version swatch once I have some proper photos to share, lol. ^^

Still love it, though! ❤

I love the way it sounds! ♡
Original pictures are from 3CE Official Website

I love bright pink color with neutral or warm undertone, it usually brightens up my complexion and the color looks cute. So, I was wondering about this one, would it be bluish bright pink on me, neon, or simply cute bright pink, lol. But, the pink color looks so cute! I've been always thinking of this shade, so I decided to order it. ๐Ÿ˜†

It's such a lovely bright pink color! ♡
Enjoy Love is a yellow based-pink that looks lovely, cheerful, and it looks bright but natural. This is my pick-me-up-shade. ♡

About the texture, Enjoy Love tends to become patchy easier than Drizzle Love. I'm not sure, is it because the difference of formulation, since Drizzle Love is on their latest collection of Velvet Lip Tint? Or, it can be also because Enjoy Love has a lighter color than Drizzle Love. It's a common thing in a lip product: the formulation of the lighter color is more difficult than the deeper ones.

But, when I tap my finger on my lips, the patches disapear, so I'm okay with that! (^ - ^)

The Velvet Lip Tint also has a smooth sensation without heavy feeling and it feels comfortable on my lips. ♡

I'm still exploring these liptints on me, so if there's something new observed, I'll got you updated. ♡

The pictures are taken from 3CE official website. By the way, I ordered them from their Shopee Official Store. ♡

(Update: when I tap my finger on my lips, the upper color layer transfers to my finger, and the appearance of lip tint becomes velvet and blurry! It leaves a bit different color than when I first apply it, but still very lovely! This applies to both Drizzle Love and Enjoy Love, so, I think that's the characteristic of 3CE Velvet Lip Tint ^^)

Salaam and Good Days!

Friday 16 October 2020

My Pink Autumn Cloud Color ❤ 3CE Cloud Lip Tint in Cutesicle Mini Review

Salaam everyone!

Cutesicle, such a cute name for a lip tint shade! ❤ So, I scrolled down on 3CE official website and this cute color caught my attention. It's so lovely, right? 

Picture is taken from 3CE Official Webiste

Cutesicle is described as "a light pink with warm undertones." I was so thrilled about that because it's more often that when it comes to a light pink color, it's usually cool-toned. And when it comes to cool-toned light pink, it will appear greyish, purple-ish, white-ish, or something ashy that washes out my complexion. But a light pink color with warm undertones? I should give it a try! ♡

The swatch on Park Sora (the face of 3CE) kinda doubts me, through. The pink color looks so light on her (and so good!), would it suit my skin tone? On the other side, I saw a lot of good review about this shade on 3CE official website. The reviews say that the color is so cute and it doesn't look pale on them, and the texture is amazing. Alright! I said bismillah and I ordered it from 3CE official Shopee account. xD

I ordered the 3CE Cloud Lip Tint in Cutesicle together with a shade of their legendary Velvet Lip Tint in Drizzle Love, but I'll talk about this one on another post, insyaAllah! The Cloud Lip Tint itself was launched in Autumn 2019.

So, the tints were coming. Really anticipated them! And when I tried the Cutesicle shade, I was like... "Oh, this is my shade."

Did I mention about the elegant packaging? ♡

Well, I know, my best shade so far is coral pink, but this shade... surprisingly, it suits my complexion! It gives a soft, understated, yet cute vibe. It's like my default style and personality in a lip tint! That's how I love this color! ♡

Cutesicle appears as a peach-pink shade with a yellow-beige undertone when it's firstly swatched. But as time goes by, it turns to be a soft, warm light pink as the description. Even when I don't put on any makeup and just wearing this lip tint, I still look adorable (please forgive my wordings xD).

Now, about the texture.

Picture is taken from 3CE Official Website

The texture is so interesting! As the name, Cloud Lip Tint, the texture is like a "cloud", it feels soft, fluffy, and blurry. The texture makes a gradient technique become easier! And the staying power is amazing. If some lip tints lose their "upper color layer" after a couple of hours and turn into a stain, this Cloud Lip Tint stays true on the performance as it's freshly applied, except if you have a heavy meal.

It does transfer, but just a little and not too much. After heavy meals, it leaves a lovely pink stain on my lips. Does the lip tint dry out my lips? Nope. Literally, nope at all, I'm serious. It sits on your lips with a fluffy feeling.♡

About the price, it's in the middle-range, I think. It's still affordable anyway and with such good quality, the price is reasonable. You can check them out in their official Shopee store or on their official website!

Hope your autumn is fluffy, sweet, and beautiful. ❤

Thursday 28 May 2020

Ayana Moon Inspirations ❤ (and A Slight Review of Ayana The Journey To Islam ♡)


It has been a long while since my blogging days! I hope you guys are safe and stay healthy. (^_^)

As today is still the atmosphere of Eid, I'd like to wish you an Eid Mubarak 1441 Hijriah for all my Muslim readers! Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum, may Allah receive our ibadah. O:)

Well, this time I wanna share with you guys my thoughts of a Korean Muslimah influencer, Ayana Jihye Moon. Of course, you know her! She is so popular and has a positive image and influence towards people, especially for the young and millennial generations, and specifically for young Muslimah ones. She is beautiful, humble, smart, a hard worker, and loves to learn (or study!). In Indonesia, Ayana Moon is a brand ambassador for some of the well-known brands, such as Pocari Sweat and Wardah Cosmetics. I love makeup and I have some cosmetics and makeup brands that I love, but I must admit that Ayana Moon makes me become a fan of Wardah Beauty! And when I've started to use their makeup, I just found out that their products are really good as well. (^ - ^)

Okay, so! In the spirit of Eid for our better self, I wanna share with you some inspirations from Ayana Moon. Please stay tuned! (^ ^)

1. Ayana Moon's Skincare & Makeup Routine
Ayana loves natural makeup! I resume this part based on her Live IG Story in Wardah Beauty Official Instagram on May 10th, 2020. I'm not sure if anyone recorded the Live and uploaded it somewhere, but, well... actually I did record some parts because I found that Ayana's favorite shade of lip matte is the same as mine! (>_<) And then, I gotta feeling of, "Wow, we wear the same favorite shade of lip matte!". So, I decided to record it for my own property to keep the moment alive, lol. Sharing the recordings may cause some problems, such as copyright issues. So, I think it's better if I share the resume of her skincare and makeup routine without the videos, just on blog writing with some pictures. I didn't record the whole Live, just a few parts of it, so I'll write down what I have. I hope it's okay and still help you! (^ _ ^)

                                                                       Code number 3 ❤
  • Her Skincare
    • Wardah Acne Series
    • Wardah Perfect Bright Moisturizer SPF 28
    • Wardah Perfect Bright cleansing foam
    • Wardah EyeXpert Makeup Remover
    • Wardah Brightening Micellar Water
  • Her Makeup
    • Wardah Instaperfect BB Cushion (I'm not sure about the shade, but I guess the lightest one)
    • Wardah Instaperfect City Chic Blusher (pink)
    • Wardah Colorfit Velvet Matte Lip Mousse code 03 (Rose Ballerina)
    • Wardah Eyeliner (the pencil type)
    • Wardah EyeXpert Mascara
    • Wardah Eyebrow (brown shade)
    • Wardah Eyeshadow
  • Ayana's Favorite Lip Make-Up
    • Ayana doesn't like ombre lips make up. She only puts her favorite lip mousse, Wardah Colorfit Velvet Matte Lip Mousse 03.
a capture from her Instagram story ♡
  • Ayana Tips on How Not To Get Darker Lips
    • Apply sunscreen on the lips! Ayana has naturally pink lips, but she gave advice to a viewer that might help. Sunscreen will block the damaging UV rays that cause your skin (and lips) to become tan. Ayana also applied sunscreen on her hands.
  • Ayana's Trick to Have A Glowing Skin (*^ - ^*)
    • She said that her glowing skin is because of the makeup, lol. xD Well, the cushion she wears from Wardah Instaperfect has a dewy and glowy finish, so I guess that's what she meant. (^ ^)
2. Journey To Islam
I know, I know. A lot of people are inspired by her journey to Islam, that she can keep going with her faith although it as really difficult for the first time. Personally, a life of mualaf never stopped being amazement for me. I always admire their journey on how they found Islam, even their struggle on holding on to their faith because for some people it becomes their most difficult time. Having a different religion with their family or being a minority in the society that offers minimum supports is not the easiest thing in the world. Learning about their journey and process, also learning about how Allah gives guidance on them, these things always amaze me. :)

a part of my portfolio about Ayana Moon :3

And that's what Ayana faced too. Reading her story is breathtaking, for she had to work extra hard so she can take her study in Malaysia. 2 years of hardworking, and it was so exhausting. Her parents, at the time, take stopped all the financial support for her because of her conversion to Islam. That's why Ayana had to fight alone.

After 2 exhausting years, Ayana had her landing in Malaysia. But, things seemed not going well. Financial needs were so overwhelming, and I try to imagine if I were in her shoes: 2 years of hardworking and after just a few months, my saving was spent out almost half of it because of the unexpected urges! And I live alone, far far away from my country.

After a year, she had to give up. Her mom saw her in Malaysia feeling so sad about her daughter's condition. But, my favorite part is when she put the verse of Al Quran surah 3 Al Imran: 139, that said, 

"So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers."

Before going back to South Korea, Ayana then spent some time in Indonesia to take a holiday. That's when she had introduced to Wardah company. They share a similar vision, and that's why Ayana become the part of Wardah family as a brand ambassador.

Another beautiful part about this book is, Ayana found the meaning of love, family, and way of life in Islam. Islam doesn't only give her new family, but also unite her with her family. Ayana became closer with her younger brother, Seongwook, as she never had a close sibling relationship with him before. Seongwook later interested in Islam, became a mualaf too and he was given a new name, Aydin. Her parents are now more open to Ayana's faith and they get closer as a family.

I didn't resume all the book content was about because I think it's better if you buy a copy, read the complete story, and support Ayana. (^ _ ^) I learn that Allah gives hidayah in many ways, hidayah can even come form our interests. Reading it myself make me appreciate my Islamic faith more, also appreciate my relationship I have with my siblings, family, and my friends even more. And another thing I learn about Ayana's journey is that no matter how difficult your situation you're in, no matter what, Allah will help you. Allah gets your back, always! For you who's in the struggle, don't give up, keep going, and praying. There will be times when you smile and feeling grateful because you're now in a better situation than before.

3. Other Things that Inspire Me!
Ayana Moon loves to learn a lot. As a student (yes, I'm a magister student indeed lol), studying is an important thing. From her Instagram, we can find out that Ayana is taking Arabic and Mandarin classes. Arabic is difficult, on one of her posts she said that sometimes it made her cry! But, she keeps on fighting anyway, and her skill is getting better as well. As a Muslimah, learning Arabic is really helpful to read and understand Qur'an (and hadits), especially if you want to understand it more deeply than just reading a translation. Also, from her book, you can tell that Ayana is a smart and hard-working girl.

Personally, I am always impressed by people who could take more than one thing in their life. It's like, you want to keep the balance and have a proportional portion on your rules. For example, having a good balance on working, studying, and doing ibadah, and you can still achieve your goals. That's why Ayana really inspires me. :) (and for you who have followed my blog for quite a long time, I'm sure you know that I also admire Misako Aoki, not only for her style and cuteness but also for her roles as a model and a nurse ^^).

My father once said, as a Moslem, if we put Allah first, Allah will help us with guidance and ease for what we're doing.


Alright! I think that's all I can share with you today. (^ - ^) I hope this help. Feel free to comment if you think there's something I should add. :D

Thank you and stay safe! (*^ ^*)